Basic Ideas of National Socialist Cultural Policy by Wolfgang Schulz | Edition 2 | 2024


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Introducing ‘Basic Ideas of Nationalist Socialist Cultural Policy,’ an illuminating translation from the Third Reich’s original ‘Grundgedanken nationalsozialistischer Kulturpolitik.’ Penned by the accomplished Munich University Professor, Wolfgang Schulz, the work was published posthumously in 1939 by the central publishing house of the NSDAP, Franz Eher Verlag.

The book sets forth to elucidate a culture policy firmly rooted in folk traditions and racial identity, with a profound emphasis on fostering spiritual and biological health, and preserving racial integrity. This carefully curated translation retains the essence of the original while enhancing readability and clarity for the 21st-century reader, offering a critical insight into an influential historical period.

Revised, corrected, and reinterpreted, this translation strives to make Schulz’s original work more accessible and engaging to modern audiences. As you navigate its pages, prepare to delve into a profound exploration of cultural ideologies propagated during a pivotal era in world history.